A new course dedicated to
Swift Concurrency

Migrating your project to Swift Concurrency and Swift 6 is a next-level migration, as I can tell from experience—time to help you succeed.

After developing apps for over 16 years, migrating code from Objective-C → Swift 1.1 → Swift 3.0 → Swift 5+, I have learned how to adapt to Swift updates.

In a brand new flagship course, I'll teach you everything about Swift Concurrency:

  • What is structured concurrency?
  • How does Swift Concurrency relate to Swift 6?

But also common coding questions, like:

  • Should I use @MainActor everywhere?
  • How do I dispatch work to a background thread?
  • Can I make a static var property Sendable?

I've personally migrated the WeTransfer iOS SDK as a Staff iOS Engineer. In March 2024, I went Indie and started focusing on creating courses. After launching my first going-indie.com course, I'm now ready to take it to the next level with my flagship coding course on Swift Concurrency.

Launching in a few months, ready for you to join the waitlist

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